Coolant Sump Cleaning Systems, Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier and Dealer. Our setup is situated at Pune, Maharashtra, India

Salient Features :
- No Filter Element
- No Replacement Cost
- Improved Product Finish
- Reduced Oil Consumption
- Extended Oil Change Period
- Reduced Machine Downtime
- Reduced Pollution & Environmental Impact
- Reduced Storage & Disposal Cost of Waste Oil
Save by Extending Oil / Coolant Life, Tool Life and Machine Life
Sump Cleaner removes very fine dirt from Oil / Coolant upto 10µ & below by Vacuum created in the tank. There are no consumables hence no recurring cost. Collected dirt can be easily cleaned & the unit put back to use again

Working Principle
Oilmax Coolant / Sump Cleaner removes sludge, metal chips & swarf from Coolant / Oil tanks & filters it via reusable steel mesh filter. The System Works on the Principle of Vacuum Suction. A powerful vacuum blower creates vacuum in the tank of the unit, which sucks in coolant, metal chips Swarf etc, passing it thru mesh basket. Contamination gets collected in the basket & clean coolant flows through to the tank of the unit. A centrifugal delivery pump delivers back the clean coolant.

Applications :
- Soluble Cutting Oil
- Neat Cutting Oil
- Water Emulsion
- Quenching Oil
- CNC Machines
- Storage Tanks

Sludge Collected